This story sucks, but as it happened several weeks ago I finally feel I can share it without crying.
Let me start by explaining once again that I basically taught myself how to knit. One night for mutual in high school a neighbor showed us all the basics, but as any of you who have tried and then given up at least once for a period of at least 3 years know, it takes A LOT of practice to really KNOW how to knit. And I put that knitting project away basically for good after not getting very far at all on it. I only just recently started knitting again, and I've had to look up EVERYTHING on Youtube, so yeah, I'm giving myself the credit for being a self-learner here.
Anyway, I learned how to read crocheting patterns, so I just picked up a knitting pattern and went at it. As I went, if there were instructions I didn't understand, I looked up instructional videos for them. HOWEVER: if there were instructions I DID understand, I didn't look up videos. Herein lies my downfall.
How many of you know how to "pick up and knit" stitches along a finished edge? Doesn't that sound kind of self-explanatory? You pick up so many stitches, then you knit them. So that's what I did on every project. It would say, for example, "pick up 36 stitches along the neckline" so I would string through the stitches until I was holding 36 on my needle. This made PERFECT sense to me. I have learned now that that is NOT how it is done.
So here is my story.
I'm working on a sweater dress for Rachel, as you may have noticed below. This will be my crowning achievement as a knitter, because it will have taken me the longest and will have employed the most techniques, patience, and pain. I started it a few months ago, and recently put it away to finish Christmas presents and to start on an afghan for my forthcoming son. Besides, Rachel turns 2 in 2 months, and there is NO WAY this thing will fit my tiny child by then, so I'm not really in a hurry.
The dress is made by first knitting the bodice and back, then adding sleeves. Then the top is basically finished, aside from the buttons, and one must "pick up and knit" lots of stitches around the waistline. The dress is knit with size 6 circular needles, which are pretty small. My mom bought mine for me, but I managed to break it through an act of impatience and had to go buy a new one for $10. I was doing just fine picking up stitches, although it was pretty tight. We were playing Monopoly at the same time, so the tightness wasn't stressing me out too much because I was distracted. Once I got the proper amount of stitches on the needles I began to knit around. Again, this is how I've always done this, because this has been my interpretation of the instructions. It never occurred to me that I was doing it wrong, because it had worked on every other piece I'd knitted. But I digress.
As I began to knit it became apparent that this was not going to work. A portion of the stitches I had picked up were doubled, being the section where the back pieces overlap for the buttons. So this area was EXTRA tight. When that area of stitches got to the end of the cable where it joins with the wooden needle part, it got stuck. There was no way to get it up onto the wooden part. I tried for quite a while, and nothing doing. Eventually I thought, oh well I'll go the other way, and pulled it backwards. This, folks, is when my needle broke. I had pulled the cable out of the wooden part. I had already lost at Monopoly, so I just ran downstairs and cried. Oh, did I mention I'm pregnant?
I gave it several weeks before I felt up to venturing to the knitting genius world of Heindsman's for advice and a new needle. I was still upset that I might have to buy a new needle, because the way it broke was just idiotic and pretty much my fault for being stupid. Luckily the people there are SUPER nice and replaced the needle for free. I showed the checker my problem and he gave me the needle, saying I could just knit off my piece onto the new needle and give him the old one. Easier said than done. For some reason I hadn't anticipated this problem, but now I was back where I had started when I broke the needle in the first place.
I sat down and tried, by the same method, to knit the stitches I had picked up onto the new needle. I was met with the same resistance as before, and didn't know what to do. After I had been there for a while, the expert knitting lady came over and asked if I needed help. I explained what I was doing, and she looked really confused. She started trying to work it for me, and we were both obviously not on the same page about anything. After explaining it over and over, and after her staring at it for about 20 minutes, she finally saw what I had done and explained what was wrong with it. Being the expert that she is, she was able to figure out a way to get it off of the broken needle and onto the new needle. Unfortunately, this involved cutting the piece and basically starting the whole "pick up and knit" process all over again. I told her to do what she had to, and I sat back and watched. Eventually it got to be too much for Rachel, so the lady said I should go take care of her and come back later for my repaired dress. So that's what I did.
I felt okay going home, but a little foolish. I put Rachel down for a nap and headed back out to get my dress and learn how to "pick up and knit" stitches once and for all. When I got there, the store was pretty empty. The expert lady was still working on my dress, and a new woman was there working on a glove or something. As I walked in, the expert lady was explaining to the other woman what she was working on. I'll give her credit, she did not say anything about how stupid I was. The other lady did, though, and let me tell you how great THAT felt. I sat down with her, and she showed me how one is ACTUALLY supposed to "pick up and knit" stitches. She showed me how she had started, and where the seven ends of my yarn were since she had to cut it right at the waist, and how I needed to undo complicated knots because I was starting at the beginning, not the end, where it would just pull apart, and also she made some comments about how cheap the yarn was that I was using. I'm not trying to say she was being mean, because she really wasn't meaning to. But everything that day had been going terribly, so that's just how things came across to me. Plus I felt like a fool, and there was this other lady there just staring at me like what on earth was I doing pretending I know how to knit.
Anyway. I started crying again on the way home. BUT I had a new needle, and I knew how to "pick up and knit" in a way that would save me from this sort of headache in the future. Also the expert lady told me I should bring in the dress when I finish it so I can show everyone how it turns out. I don't know if that's actually going to happen, because I'm not sure how comfortable I feel showing my face there again after this fiasco. But we'll see. I'm going to be terribly proud of the dress when it is finished, so I might :D